UHP Water Pressure and Abrasive Flow Alarms
The “lights-out” concept means utilizing your waterjet cutting capacity unattended during off-hours, typically overnight and on weekends. This strategy is especially useful for jobs that have long cycle times or with large nested production runs. To begin the process, the designated job needs to be programmed, loaded on the Aquavision Di Controller and then started. When the waterjet is performing unattended, water pressure and abrasive delivery needs to be monitored, with any interruptions prompting the waterjet to end the cutting cycle. This safety system prevents machine damage and material loss due to an interruption in water pressure or abrasive. These alarms are contained in a controls box mounted to the motion system.
UHP Water Pressure Monitor – The High Pressure Water monitor is a display that shows the water pressure the intensifier pump is operating at. A pressure transducer is installed in the UHP water line providing a scale signal representing 0–60,000 psi. The pressure monitor on the control panel, has two setpoints that can be set to a low pressure value and a high pressure value to establish an operating range. The alarm outputs are connected to the motion control system to initiate a feed hold command to stop cutting movements should the low or high pressure value be breached. Factory default settings activate alarm 1 when the water pressure drops below 45000 PSI and activates alarm 2 when the water pressure exceeds 60,000 PSI.
Abrasive Flow Monitor – The Abrasive Flow Monitor is a module that is spliced into the abrasive feed line from the mini hopper to the abrasivejet. Two fiber optic detectors are aimed at each other through a transparent portion of the abrasive flow tube. The sensor assembly detects when abrasive is flowing. If the abrasive stops moving the sensor outputs a signal to the motion control system to initiate a feed hold command to stop cutting movements. The operator should make sure the bulk hopper that delivers the abrasive to the mini hopper is filled prior to leaving the water jet unattended to ensure an abrasive delivery feed hold is not required.
The need for increased productivity has never been greater with the shortage of skilled labor and the rising cost of doing business. We have some additional solutions that enhance Lights Out Cutting:
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Jet Edge is a leading manufacturer of waterjet cutting machines, intensifier pumps, and accessories. Whether you’ve got a demanding application due to tight tolerance precision requirements, you need non-stop grit, power, and hard work for heavy-duty cutting, you need a custom solution to optimize your process, or you simply want a capital equipment supplier who acts like a partner seeking your long term success—it’s time to get in touch with Jet Edge.